This blog is mostly about images. A photo captures a moment in time and lets us slow down long enough to see the rich texture of the life all around us. It's mostly for my own amusement, but if you stumbled here somehow, please enjoy.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I took this picture during a college visit and wasn't really sure if or how to use it.  I like the image but couldn't think of a fitting caption or thought. 

Then along comes the news today that my little girl Julie was accepted to Illinois State University!  More than enough reason.  Congratulations, Julie--I love you!

1 comment:

    We are so excited for you.

    Our Alexis was just as thrilled when she knew she would be going to Redbird country. Her four ISU years were some of the most spiritually rewarding years of her life. The oversight and structure of the young group, the quality of the A. C. population there and the sheer numbers of believers, coming from a small young group, were all a huge blessing.

    In fact, she liked the school so much, she stayed at ISU the summer after her freshman year and worked with the school's summer orientation/preregistration program. It was fun for her to give tours to several of the central IL A. C. families who came through!

    God is good and He will provide for you.

    We are rejoicing with your family.

    Numbers 6:24-26
    The Michigan Gassers
