This blog is mostly about images. A photo captures a moment in time and lets us slow down long enough to see the rich texture of the life all around us. It's mostly for my own amusement, but if you stumbled here somehow, please enjoy.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Trail Markers

Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. (Prov. 22:28).

I can tell you we were very glad to see these blue paint marks along the trail in the Green Mountains around Stowe, VT.  There are many good parallels to draw when one is hiking.  It seems like just when we thought we might have left the trail we'd begin to look for the markers and sometimes it took a little while to find them, especially if we hadn't been paying attention. Other times, just when we needed them most, there they were, in plain sight.  What a blessing that someone went on before us and marked the way.  Who is following you and me and what kind of trail markers are we leaving?

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